Wondering why your sales sessions aren’t going the way you hope they would? The solution could be simple! Check out these 5 ingredients to having the sales session you’ve been striving for!
1. Pre-Sale Product Education
If your sales session is the first time your clients are seeing your product offerings, it’s time to change that. Clients need to see a product an average of SEVEN times to commit to purchasing it. So what are you doing to make sure that your clients are seeing your products way before your sales session? Consider having them set out during the session and sending your client home with a product magazine right after. If you want to sell more during a sales appointment, you need to start sending them a sales guide way before the sales session takes place. Send them home with a product magazine with specific instructions to measure their walls and help them SEE the products in their home before even buying them.
2. Well Known Sales Policy
If your contract is the only place that your clients are informed of your sales policies, it’s also time to change that. Consider putting your sales policies in your post-session sales packet and the sales session scheduling e-mails to remind them of your expectations.
3. Sample Showcase
Samples are SO IMPORTANT during an in-person sales appointment. Why? Because of consumer psychology. Selling without samples is incredibly difficult and there’s no reason to do that to yourself. Most people wouldn’t buy a car without test driving it first, and the same goes for your beautiful albums and canvases. One of the most important things you can do is allow time in your sales session to let them handle and browse through each product. Studies have shown that the longer a product spends in a client’s hands, the higher likelihood they are to purchase it. BOOM… science, y’all!
So what does this mean for you? It means that you should have PLENTY of samples… so much that no matter how many people attend your sales appointment, they each have their own sample to hold… no sharing! I have 5 albums, 6 image boxes, and tons of grad announcements. This way, they all have their own product to swoon over and can hold the product for a longer period of time.
4. Sales Strategy backed by Psychology
I understand that a lot of photographers perform sales sessions by trial and error, but why not use strategies backed by science that have proved to work in sales? When holding ordering sessions, I average $5,000 per client BECAUSE of techniques like lap loading – which I just shared about last month!
5. Confidence in Your Pricing
This factor is one of the most important things you can have at your sales sessions. You MUST believe you are worth your prices if you’re going to ask others to pay those prices! If you’re second guessing yourself, remember how much work, time and effort goes into creating your art. YOU ARE WORTH IT!
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