Pricing Methods

How to Implement Pricing Confidence without Saying a Word

“When you negotiate your prices, you are quite literally negotiating the food out of your children’s mouths.”

Pricing Confidence without Saying a Word
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How to Implement Pricing Confidence without Saying a Word

Let’s talk about THREE things you can do to solidify your prices without having to have THAT discussion with your clients. ⁣

1. Get your prices out in the open.

Placing your pricing structure on your website (at the very least entry level pricing info), in inquiry response education, and in other places that potential clients can see will help you book clients who KNOW your prices and are accepting of them before they even sign a contract. I like to use my prices as a filter so that anyone who is interested in hiring me knows full well how much they’re going to spend before they even contact me. ⁣I fully believe in NOT using your prices as a marketing tool, rather use them as a filter to ensure you’re not wasting your time with clients who cannot afford you.

2. Put your prices in your contract.

I actually have my clients initial each clause in my contract and that includes my current pricing structure. This way, they can NEVER say they weren’t aware of my prices. I literally have them sign off on my current prices in a legally binding document.⁣

Side note: discussing your pricing ONLY on the phone or in person with your potential and booked clients invites a world of problems if they later want to contest your invoices. You need to have not only a signed legal document (contract / agreement), but also a paper trail (via e-mail) showing that you gave your clients extensive details of your prices just incase you need to present such evidence in court.

3. Realize that your prices are a part of how you are able to live your life.

I feel like a lot of creatives separate their livelihood from the services they offer because that’s their creative downfall. NO. This is how you put food on your table. This is how you buy clothes. This is how you LIVE. When you negotiate your prices, you are quite literally negotiating the food out of your children’s mouths. ⁣

So let’s discuss! Have YOU ever thought of your prices in this way? And now that you have, how does it change your feelings about negotiating your prices?! COMMENT BELOW and let me know!

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