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“We’re no longer a photo sharing app.”

Spoiler Alert: you have zero control over IG.

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Instagram is no longer prioritizing photos, but video content instead.

“We’re no longer a photo sharing app.” – Adam Mosseri, head of IG.

***insert mass hysteria and panic in the photography community***

Photog friends, we’ve spent YEARS building our entire photography businesses on THIS platform. Marketing on THIS platform. Building connection on THIS platform. Booking clients on THIS platform. 

We saw the algorithm come out & got nervous when we saw our growth numbers plummet. We met together and learned how to play the game. We learned through courses how to leverage what we knew about the algorithm and did everything we could to get our art front and center of our target market. We WORKED SO HARD. And now this.

When Mr. Mosseri uttered those words during his less than 3 minute IG video, it sent ripples through the photo community. To be honest… it struck fear in our hearts. And, after actually listening to the ENTIRE video (have you done that yet?), I began to see what was going on. This was a business decision IG has made that results in income for them.  

Here’s the breakdown of what Adam meant in his Instagram Video:

IG recognizes that video & entertainment posts keep audiences on the app longer, so naturally, that’s what they are going to lean into. They are going to continue to prioritize those types of posts in the algorithm (this is what they’ve been doing for a while now), which means our precious photos are going to be knocked down even further on that ever changing algorithm ladder. He recognized TikTok & YouTube as major competitors and is going to further embrace video because that is what keeps the audience on the app longer, which drives ad power, and results in dollars spent.

So… what are we to do? We can absolutely learn how to consistently produce Reels, IGTVs, Lives, etc and get in front of this, but what about our images? The very product of our business? 

It’s time to realize that YOU DO NOT OWN YOUR PRESENCE ON IG, FRIENDS.

You don’t own your followers. You don’t have any control over how this platform operates in the future. If they wanted to rip photos down from the app completely tomorrow, you would have ZERO control over their decision. They’re already telling you what’s coming… and it isn’t photos. 

It’s time to learn how to PIVOT (in the best Ross voice I can do). Diversify your marketing efforts and start investing your time in a newsletter system. Yes, I know learning a new way of marketing is scary and uncomfortable, but guess what? The difference between IG and your newsletter list boils down to one thing: OWNERSHIP. 

With a newsletter system:

1. YOU control how often your content reaches your subscribers

2. YOU control what kind of content they get to see

3. YOU control your lists, content type, and processes

With a newsletter system, you get to step into the roll of decision maker and show your list exactly what you want them to see… not what some platform robots believe they want to see. It’s raw and organic connection that you can build a real presence with. THAT is what a newsletter system can do for you.

So what are YOU waiting for? What’s holding you back? If you’re ready to say YES to owning your own content & fully controlling that content, it’s time to build your foundation. This month, Sean Brown & I are hosting a THREE DAY CHALLENGE community that will help you lay the ground work for an incredible newsletter system that can literally make you money in your sleep! Yes!!! To make sure you are notified with the details for this awesome challenge, sign up HERE and you’ll receive a notification when it opens! 

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