Tax Returns Are Not Your Friend

Why they’re your foe & how to beat the government at its own game.

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the A-List Blog

Consider this your library of the inner workings of my business brain! The following blog posts may not be super sexy, but they are necessary to run a profitable and purposeful business, so come on it, get comfy, and if you have any questions, let me know!

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it's like photo business bootcamp,

but from your couch!

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Set your business up for success without sacrificing your precious time.

Top 5 Resources for the New Photographer

Time Saving Tools

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Did you know that 86% of Gen Z reads reviews before making a first-time purchase?

How to Get MORE Client Referrals

Time Saving Tools

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I wasted a lot of time & energy with these mistakes.

5 Biggest Mistakes I Made with Email Marketing

Marketing Stategies

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How to give your photography client an amazing session experience

Using educational resources to become a super hero in your clients’ eyes.

How to Create an Elite Pre-Session Client Experience


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Before you start offering mini sessions, you need to prepare every aspect of your process. And we can help!

How to Successfully Plan & Market Senior Mini Sessions

Time Saving Tools

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Instructional & Behind the Scenes Posing Videos in the A-List Shop

Posing Video Tutorials for Senior Photographers

Time Saving Tools

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How to warm up a cold lead into a paying client.

The Funnel of Love: know, like, & trust

Marketing Stategies

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Don't underprice your photography services

Let’s talk about WHY you should NEVER use price as a marketing tool!

Are you underpricing yourself to lure in more clients?

Pricing Methods

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Quick tips for beefing up your calls to action!

Calls to Action: are you doing them wrong?

Marketing Stategies

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Is the way you respond to inquiries leaving you with less bookings than you’d like? ⁣

How to Respond to Inquiries using Visual Booking Motivators

Marketing Stategies

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I'm Amanda, the pricing & sales expert behind A-list.

I'm an expert of boutique photography business education, lover of all things British & spicy foods, and forever a curiously ambitious woman... a rebel if you will.

I'm so glad you're here!

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